The Healing power of music"

- Patty Carlson

What We Do

The Numeric Language of Music
New, Progressive, Effective

Piano for Special Needs is the home of the Numeric Language of Music® program. The program was developed by film score composer, concert pianist and renowned music educator Patty Carlson. Patty dramatically simplified music to easily understood numeric sequences of hand motions. The program was awarded a US Patent, emphasizing the authenticity of a “new” and unique method of conveying musical information.
Over several decades, the program indicated the information was causing secondary, now considered “primary” effects. Students reading and math grades significantly increased from D’s and failing to 98 and 100%. Hand writing skills advanced from the worst in the class to the best in the class. Similar results were evident with special needs children. Childhood Apraxia of Speech improved 70%. Tested with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and long term stroke disability, symptoms reversed in all three cases. Results were achieved in 2 weeks to 3 months time.

The Vision

Forwarding a new understanding of the relationship between music and the brain.

 The testimonials on this web site are from people just like you, parents hoping to find a solution, some way to reverse functional disabilities which limit their children or loved one’s everyday lives. Occasionally, real breakthroughs happen when someone from outside of professional doctrine brings new information to the research. That is exactly who Patty Carlson is. Patty looked at all of the information from a completely unique perspective. Patty realized the Numeric Language of Music® program she authored had opened new possibilities, a new door of opportunity and hope for adults and children on the Autism Spectrum and with learning disabilities.


"Never underestimate

-Patty Carlson

Our Mission

To bring forward knowledge of Patty Carlson’s “Numeric Language of Music®” program to the Autism and Special Needs community. The uniquely simple program of tonal sequences played on a piano or electronic keyboard has successfully reversed symptoms for students with developmental challenges, in addition to rapidly advancing math and reading skills.

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